by Donya Dunlap | Sep 30, 2016 | Bible Study, The Spiritual Life
Journaling? That current craze of drawing, stamping, coloring, and otherwise decorating the edges of your Bible? Not exactly.
In July I prayed about where God would have me spend my next several months in my devotions. God brought to mind the Psalms and the idea of Bible journaling. Rather than getting all crafty in the margins of my Bible, I decided to grab a fresh, paper journal and begin writing out my thoughts. This was such an instant blessing that I felt compelled to share 4 reasons you should consider journaling your devotions as well.
1: Journaling has built in cruise control.
It is impossible to journal through a passage of Scripture quickly. Before you can write down what the passage means, you have to understand what it’s saying. You have to read it carefully, and multiple times. Normally, when I read the Psalms as part of my devotions, I’ll speed read through 5 or so at a time. When journaling, I usually only read one at a time, taking much longer than is my usual habit.
If you are about to click off this post thinking you don’t have time for this…wait! I get it! You’re busy. I’ve been there. If you use a Bible translation that has paragraph breaks, it is easy to pick up where you left off the next day. Don’t let time rob you of the immense blessing that journaling can be to your spirit.
2: Journaling helps you connect the dots.
I have been amazed at the insights God has given me as I really think about what I’m reading. He has brought to mind other passages of Scripture and modern examples displaying the ancient truths. Word pictures contained in the Psalms string connections between prophecy, parable, history, philosophy, and more. When you write out your thoughts, the Holy Spirit has time to whisper in your ear.
Also, having your phone nearby can help you make the connections too. Use Google search or a Bible app to help you find other passages of Scripture that come to mind as you study. Just remember that you won’t find what you’re looking for on Facebook!
3: Journaling is a form of meditation.
Are you convicted when you think about meditating and memorizing Scripture? Me too. Meditation and memorization go hand in hand. By digging below the surface of the Word, your mind has time to dwell on what is being communicated. That is the essence of meditation—running over the meaning of the text repeatedly. Memorization takes a little more effort to remember the actual words instead of just the meaning, but journaling can be a wonderful first step in that direction.
4: Journaling provides a permanent record of your thoughts.
I am often encouraged by flipping through my journal and reading where I was mentally and spiritually at a previous time. It helps me see how far God has brought me on my journey. It reminds me that my current situation is only one point on the map. Journaling Scripture can have an even greater impact by reminding you of what God was teaching you during the seasons of your life.
Also, as much as you don’t want to think about it, at some point, your possessions will be all of you that is left on this earth. Recording your devotional thoughts on paper can be a wonderful treasure for your family after you are gone.
Journaling is not just for artists or writers! Anyone with a pen and a sheet of paper can do it. I promise, you will receive a mountain of blessings by slowing your pace, focusing on what the Spirit is revealing, meditating on the passage, and writing down your thoughts.
Do you journal already? Share your tips in the comments below!
To help you get started, I am using the month of October to share with you my journaling journey through the Psalms. I’ll be posting my thoughts on one Psalm each day. If you would like to receive email notifications of each post as they go live, please subscribe here. As a thank you for subscribing, you will receive a free ebook titled, The Wonder Woman’s Manifesto.
by Donya Dunlap | Sep 27, 2016 | Bible Study, The Spiritual Life
As backstory to the 31 Days of Journaling through the Psalms series, I decided to read Beth Moore’s study, A Heart Like His: Intimate Reflections on the Life of David. I’m halfway through the book now, and just to the point where David is crowned king of Judah. One thing standing out to me above David’s character and exploits is this—David did a lot of waiting.
Waiting on God
At the age of 15, David was called in from caring for his father’s sheep to meet the prophet Samuel. Upon receiving confirmation from God, Samuel proceeded to anoint David the next king of Israel. It was another 15 years before David was crowned, and then it was only over Judah. It was another 7 1/2 years before Judah and Israel were united under David’s rule.
During these long years, David killed Goliath, married Saul’s daughter, Michael, became best friends with Saul’s son, Jonathon, and rose through the ranks of Saul’s army. Saul became so jealous over David’s success, he tried to kill David, forcing him into exile.
While on the run for his life, David had two opportunities to kill Saul and take the throne, but he refused to do so. Rather, David chose to wait on God to move on his behalf.
Enduring through pain
The psalms David wrote over the course of his life show us his struggle. Pleading with God to spare him from his enemies. Asking God how long he would have to watch while the wicked prospered in his way. Crying out to God in agony of spirit time and time again. But through it all, David’s faith never wavered.
The process and the praise
Waiting on God to move is never easy. There are times we feel God is not with us, as David did. We can grow depressed, weary of the struggle, as David did. But we can also choose to praise as David did. We can remember God’s actions on our behalf and battles we overcame in God’s strength. We can list ways God provided for us and rehearse His attributes in worship. There are many ways we can walk with God in the waiting, growing our faith as we do.
God’s multifaceted purpose
Our waiting may seem endless at times, but it is never purposeless. God always has a plan. In David’s case, God had to teach him to become a leader. First as a shepherd, then as a soldier and a husband, then as the head of a rag-tag band of exiles. Each role filled a gap in David’s kingly resume.
David also needed to build his patience and trust in God. As we see in his dealings with Goliath, David, though well meaning, could be a little impulsive. Israel needed a king who was willing to wait on God’s timing, unlike Saul who grew impatient and gave a sacrifice before battle himself instead of waiting on Samuel as instructed.
Lastly, David needed to deepen his relationship with the people. At 15, no one knew the son of Jesse, shepherd boy. The people had chosen Saul as their leader because of his dashing good looks and imposing stature. God needed to teach them the inside of a man is more important than his outward appearance. As God taught Samuel at the time of David’s anointing,
The Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart. – 1 Samuel 16:7
Life is a puzzle
Life is like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. We move around the pieces, connecting them occasionally while spending much time staring at the mess wondering how it will all come together.
The key to puzzles and to life is patience. God knows how it all comes together. He knows the end result is a beautiful image reelecting His power and glory. We only see in part. Like David, we need to wait on God to move the pieces in place in His time.
Don’t grow weary in well doing (Galatians 6:9). God is with you just as He was with David every step of the way. When the time is right, the picture will be made clear.
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by Donya Dunlap | Sep 20, 2016 | Bible Study, The Spiritual Life
Energy is a fascinating thing to study. Everything has an energy. A life force. A motivating factor. Physical energy can be gathered, used, disbursed, wasted. There are energy sources like the sun, water, nutrient rich foods. Beyond the physical, humans operate on spiritual and emotional energy as well.
Positive energy
When we find love we say we feel alive in a new way. We feel as if we can conquer the world. Anything is possible. The energy of love fuels us to become better versions of ourselves. Love is a positive energy.
Negative energy
Fear is a negative energy. When we become afraid for our lives, our bodies react in one of three ways: fight, flight, or freeze. We face the danger, run away, or become paralyzed, hoping the danger will leave on its own.
Spiritual energy
The same thing can happen in our spiritual lives. We become afraid of being alone, failing, losing someone we love—and we react. Our actions are fueled by our fear. We start serial dating, obsessing over details, and tighten our grip on loved ones, hoping that by controlling our circumstances we can prevent what we fear from happening.
An exchange of energies
In John 4:1-45, Jesus and his disciples go through Samaria on their way to Galilee. They stop at a town called Sychar to rest and grab lunch. The disciples look for food and leave Jesus by the town well where he meets a woman. Her name is not given in Scripture, but in Forgetting the Fairy Tale, I call her Sammie.
Sammie is out of water so she goes to the well. In doing so, she meets a strange man who asks her for a drink. In the course of their conversation, Jesus peels back the layers of Sammie’s real problem. She doesn’t just need water. She needs living water—a source of energy that satisfies the deepest longings of every soul. Sammie needs Jesus.
To help her understand her need, Jesus directs the conversation to the physical manifestation of her problem. She has had five husbands and is currently living with a man she isn’t married to. Sammie is running on fear. Likely fear of being alone, of having no source of income, of inadequacy—Scripture doesn’t say exactly.
Instead of shaming her or judging her, Jesus offers her a different energy source. Exchange fear for love. Accept Jesus as Messiah. Believe He has come to rescue you from all your fear, guilt, and shame. Choose Him and receive living water that washes away sin and gives eternal life.
Sammie could have told Jesus He was crazy and walked back to her old life, constantly wondering when guy #6 was going to exit stage left. But she didn’t. She believed Jesus and told the whole town about Him. Because Sammie chose love, a whole town was saved.
What is fueling you?
Me? I’m afraid of living an insignificant life. This can motivate me to perfectionism, anxiety, overcommitment, and rushing ahead of God’s timing. I find it difficult to rest and be still because I’m afraid I’m not doing enough. But Jesus doesn’t want that life for me. He calls me to seek His face, rest in His love, and place my burdens at His feet. He calls me to walk with Him at His pace, matching my heartbeat to His. In this way, I exchange my fear for His love, peace, and joy.
Are you tired of operating in fear? Are you willing to swap fear for Jesus’ love? You can make the exchange today and begin living the life Jesus intends for you. A life of hope and a radiant future (Jeremiah 29:11).
by Donya Dunlap | Sep 16, 2016 | Bible Study, The Spiritual Life
Have you ever thought of the Holy Spirit as a gift before? I hadn’t. Not until I read a passage in Luke that changed my thinking.
God is our loving Father
Jesus tells the disciples a story of a father in Luke chapter 11. His child is in need of food and Jesus asks His listeners if they believed the father would give his son a stone or a scorpion instead.
Of course he wouldn’t!
A loving father will only give his children helpful things. Tucked into Jesus’ conclusion is the following treasure:
If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him! – Luke 11:13
Did you catch it? Jesus doesn’t promise physical blessings. He promises the gift of the Holy Spirit sent directly from our Heavenly Father for our good.
The gift of the Holy Spirit
Most of the time I think of the Holy Spirit as a person of the Trinity—a theological truth. But He is so much more than a philosophical or theological construct! He is a precious gift, dwelling inside our very beings to comfort, correct and guide us. He gives us wisdom and reveals to us the truths of God’s Word and His will.
The thing I love most is the Holy Spirit operates just as the Father does. My earthly father wouldn’t have given me the keys to a car at eight (or sixteen for that matter). Neither does the Holy Spirit give us things we aren’t ready for, even when we think we are mature enough to handle them.
Your wish list
What do you really, really want from God? A mate? A child? A ministry? Is it possible God knows you aren’t ready to handle your desire just yet? Instead of giving you a stone or a scorpion, He has given you the Holy Spirit to lead you and guide you into maturity so you are ready to receive your heart’s desire when the time is right.
But, as it is written, “No eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him”—these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God. – 1 Corinthians 2:9-10
God has so many wonderful things prepared for us as His children. He has promised to lead us into them if we allow the Holy Spirit to have rule over our hearts. So I ask you…does He? Or are you too busy chasing your dreams and desires to be still and listen to what He might be saying to you?
Don’t do as I have done
Listen, I’m not judging. I’m speaking from experience. I’m a pro at doing first and praying later. But I also know, when I finally take my hands off the wheel and determine I will sit still until God reveals what direction I should take, THEN He starts moving and directing. Before that, He can’t show me because I won’t sit still long enough for Him to share His plan!
Is that you today? Do you feel like you have been running in circles? Do you believe God has been ignoring your pleas for direction? Maybe it is time to relax for a while. Spend some time thanking God for what He has done in your past and surrender your desire to micro-manage your future. He’s a good Father. Let Him do His thing.
In just a few more days, the 31 Days of Journaling through the Psalms series will be live! It’s an unusual series. Less of a structured blog post and more of a glimpse into how I journal Scripture. If you would like notifications of when these and other posts go live, please subscribe today! As a thank you, you will receive a free gift from me—The Wonder Woman’s Manifesto.
by Donya Dunlap | Aug 23, 2016 | Bible Study, The Spiritual Life
This is a post written from the heat of the battle. If you follow me on social media, you know I don’t have this all figured out. However, I am looking to one who did as a guide. If you find yourself a little lost in your circumstances too, let’s link arms and follow Paul together, shall we?
Paul’s Circumstances
The main theme of Paul’s letter to the Philippians is joy. This might not seem all that unusual to you, unless you understand he wrote the letter in jail. Prison in Paul’s day was not a safely guarded 9×9 room with proper bathroom facilities, a mattress and clean bedding, three meals a day, and cable.
If I were in Paul’s sandals, I wouldn’t be writing such a cheerful letter to my friends encouraging them to “Rejoice in the Lord always; and again, I say, rejoice.” (Philippians 4:4)
My letter would be more along the lines of, “HELP!!! Get me out of here! Call your congressmen! Get me a fair trial! I need a good lawyer! Pray God gets me out of this mess!”
Paul’s Perspective
Paul had hope and joy in impossible circumstances. Can you imagine? He was an innocent man, living in horrible conditions, awaiting news of a possible death sentence, and he sends a letter saying (my translation of Philippians 1:12-30):
Hey friends, I know you think this situation is bad, but really it’s good because the gospel is being furthered. Everybody in the palace is talking about what Christ has done in my life. And a lot of Christians are becoming bold in their witness because of my imprisonment. There are a few guys out there preaching out of envy and talking badly about me, but they are preaching the gospel and that’s all that matters.
Besides, I know you are praying for me. Between your prayers and the Holy Spirit’s power, I know that Christ will be glorified whether or not they kill me. I’d really love to go heaven right now, but I also know that I have some work to do still so I believe I’ll be released shortly.
I want to encourage you to not lose hope. Live lives worthy of the gospel of Christ so that I will be encouraged by your testimony. And don’t worry about what might happen. It is a gift to suffer for Christ’s sake. Trust me. I know.”
Paul’s Example
In these few verses, Paul gives us four ways we can find hope in our circumstances.
- Focus on the Gospel: Every Christian’s life is part of a bigger picture. What happens to us is part of God’s plan to bring Himself glory. How? By drawing people to Him. When they see Christians trusting God in their difficulties it sparks their curiosity, which then provides opportunity for the Gospel to impact their lives. Paul knew this and capitalized on his suffering to spread the Good News of Jesus.
- Be Thankful for Everything: I’m sure Paul wasn’t happy to be in jail with people were badmouthing him. Still, he found reasons to be thankful. I discuss this in length in The Wonder Woman’s Manifesto. Thankfulness rewires our brains, changing negativity to positivity and complaint to praise. It takes work, but it is our key to joy.
- Remember Others Are Watching: Paul knew people were watching him. The guards in the prison, the civil leadership, and most importantly, the churches he ministered to. His disposition proved Jesus is worth any difficulty you might face—even death.
- Reframe Your Circumstances: To Paul, prison just meant a captive audience. Slanders were megaphones for the Gospel. Death was a long-awaited opportunity to give Jesus a hug. If Paul can reframe his circumstances, I can. And you can in your difficulty too.
These four things take deliberate action and forced repetition. But with a little work I believe we, like Paul, can find our hope and joy in all circumstances.
Do you find yourself struggling with your circumstances? Please know you are not alone. If you would be so kind to share a little in the comments, I would love to pray with you and for you.
Also, if you would like a free copy of The Wonder Woman’s Manifesto, simply subscribe and a link will be sent to your inbox.
by Donya Dunlap | Aug 19, 2016 | Bible Study, The Spiritual Life
Throughout Scripture the imagery of marriage is used to depict Israel’s relationship with God. He is the Groom, she is the bride. But even this marriage has its ups and downs.
Many of the messages given by the prophets in the Old Testament warn Israel of the judgment coming as a result of their unfaithfulness to God. They broke their covenant vows and worshipped pagan idols. As punishment for their idolatry, God rejected them for a time. You may recall the stories of Nehemiah and Daniel, main characters during the times of the exile, or diaspora, when Israel was captured and spread among the kingdoms of their enemies.
Isaiah 54:1-8 is prophesying both this exile and Israel’s ultimate return to God. In ancient times, barrenness was a disgraceful state for a woman. It brought them much shame. If a woman was divorced or widowed without children to care for them, they were often destitute. The passage depicts Israel as this rejected woman, full of disgrace. But that isn’t how this story ends.
Preparing the guest rooms
Israel’s household will soon be filled to overflowing. Israel will not be ashamed any longer, and will forget their reproach. While God set Israel aside for a time, He will restore their relationship in love.
“I deserted you for a brief moment, but I will take you back with great compassion. In a surge of anger I hid My face from you for a moment, but I will have compassion on you with everlasting love,” says the Lord your Redeemer. – Isaiah 54:7-8
Why? The Maker is her husband. The Lord of hosts, the Holy One of Israel, the God of the whole earth, Jehovah is their Redeemer.
Even more exciting is the connection the Apostle Paul made for us, those who do not belong to Israel but believe in Christ as our Savior.
For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ like a garment. There is no Jew or Greek, slave or free, male or female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, heirs according to the promise. – Galatians 3:27-29
In God’s great kindness, He has called us. We are also His bride, His beloved.
Celebrating God’s love
God proves His love to us in unmeasurable ways every day, but just as the Israelites did, I still have a hard time accepting and living under His love. Sometimes this is because God’s love is so much greater than the earthly relationships influencing our understanding of love. Our parents are a huge influence in this area. Our boyfriends, husbands and past relationships impact our understanding of love as well. But God’s love is pure, unselfish, and abundant.
God’s love is a reality that we will never fully understand this side of heaven, despite all God has done demonstrate it. The greatest example of His love is the sacrifice of His precious Son. Like Israel, we too were barren. We were lost in our sins—slaves to wickedness and the Wicked One—but God paid our ransom. Jesus Christ shed His blood and returned to life to redeem us, enabling us to have a personal relationship with Him!
When I set aside my selfish ideas of how my life should be and focus on God’s love for me, I am overwhelmed with feelings of repentance, unworthiness, gratitude and a desire to give back to God a portion of what He’s given to me. My feeble attempts at loving Him never seem enough. Yet again, God promises to take our little offerings of love, and like the lunch of the young boy who was willing to give everything to Jesus, He multiplies them many times over.
Singing for joy
At the beginning of the passage God instructs the barren and widowed to sing. Singing can be hard when you are sad, but God is returning the joy of their relationship. He encourages Israel to respond with song. It may be that life has stolen your singing voice, but I encourage you to not allow your circumstances to steal your praise.
In a recent post, I talked about how difficult it is to sing in my grief, but that hasn’t stopped me from praising God. I still respond in my spirit to the words as others sing. I also use journaling and writing to praise Him for His goodness to me. Singing is wonderful, but there are other ways to praise and give thanks. Find a way to rejoice in your relationship with God. Allow your praise to strengthen your love for Him.